
Defensive air combat maneuvers
Defensive air combat maneuvers

Sometimes a few combatants on each side are aware and the other combatants on each side are unaware.ĭetermining awareness may call for Perception checks or other checks. Sometimes all the combatants on a side are aware of their opponents, sometimes none are, and sometimes only some of them are. When a combat starts, if you are not aware of your opponents and they are aware of you, you’re surprised.

defensive air combat maneuvers

InactionĮven if you can’t take actions, you retain your initiative score for the duration of the encounter. A flat-footed character can’t make attacks of opportunity, unless he has the Combat Reflexes feat. Characters with uncanny dodge retain their Dexterity bonus to their AC and can make attacks of opportunity before they have acted in the first round of combat. Barbarians and rogues of high enough level have the uncanny dodge extraordinary ability, which means that they cannot be caught flat-footed. You can’t use your Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) while flat-footed. Flat-FootedĪt the start of a battle, before you have had a chance to act (specifically, before your first regular turn in the initiative order), you are flat-footed.

defensive air combat maneuvers

If there is still a tie, the tied characters should roll to determine which one of them goes before the other. If two or more combatants have the same initiative check result, the combatants who are tied act in order of total initiative modifier (highest first). In every round that follows, the characters act in the same order (unless a character takes an action that results in his or her initiative changing see Special Initiative Actions). Characters act in order, counting down from the highest result to the lowest. Each character applies his or her Dexterity modifier to the roll, as well as other modifiers from feats, spells, and other effects. An initiative check is a Dexterity check.

defensive air combat maneuvers

Initiative Initiative ChecksĪt the start of a battle, each combatant makes an initiative check. Effects that last a certain number of rounds end just before the same initiative count that they began on. When the rules refer to a “full round”, they usually mean a span of time from a particular initiative count in one round to the same initiative count in the next round. (For exceptions, see Attacks of Opportunity and Special Initiative Actions.) When a character’s turn comes up in the initiative sequence, that character performs his entire round’s worth of actions. A round normally allows each character involved in a combat situation to act.Įach round’s activity begins with the character with the highest initiative result and then proceeds in order. When everyone has had a turn, the next round begins with the combatant with the highest initiative, and steps 3 and 4 repeat until combat ends.Įach round represents 6 seconds in the game world there are 10 rounds in a minute of combat.Combatants act in initiative order (highest to lowest).After the surprise round (if any), all combatants are ready to begin the first normal round of combat.See the surprise section for more information. If all the characters are aware of their opponents, proceed with normal rounds. These characters can act during a surprise round. Determine which characters are aware of their opponents.When combat begins, all combatants roll initiative.Table: Two Weapon Fighting-Penalties How Combat WorksĬombat is cyclical everybody acts in turn in a regular cycle of rounds. Large, Huge, Gargantuan, and Colossal Creatures.Accidentally Ending Movement in an Illegal Space.Square Occupied by Creature Three Sizes Larger or Smaller.

defensive air combat maneuvers

Increases in Constitution Score and Current Hit Points.Fighting Defensively as a Full-Round Action.

#Defensive air combat maneuvers full

  • Deciding between an Attack or a Full Attack.
  • Spell Trigger, Command Word, or Use-Activated Items.
  • Fighting Defensively as a Standard Action.
  • Combat Reflexes and Additional Attacks of Opportunity.

  • Defensive air combat maneuvers